Friday, February 07, 2025

training program overview plan


You said:
PLEASE PREPARE A SUMMING UP OF TRAINING PROGRAM CONDUCTED BY US AS PER FOLLOWIGNN TIME TABLE TO BE PRESENTED DURING VALEDICTORY PROGRAM. NFSU PUNE ACADEMY : TIME TABLE FOR AIPDM RPF COURSE 29 JAN ONWARDS REGISTRATION AND INAUGURATION 9.00 TO 9.45 ON 29 JAN 2024 LUNCH 1-2 PM TEA BREAK 3-3.30 PM Time table for written exam in MLC, HLP, FINGERPRINTS stream 10-11 11-12 12-1 2-3 3.30-4.30 4.30-5.30 29 JAN,-MON FS - HOMICIDE SUICIDE, SHARADA AVADHANAM, FM – DEAD BODY EXAMINATION, SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MAJOR ACTS : INVESTIGATION OF HOMICIDE, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 30 JAN – TUE FS- POISONING, SHARADA AVADHANAM FM – POISONING , SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MAJOR ACTS: RAPE, ACID ATTACK, WOMEN & CHILDREN, POCSO, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 31 JAN –WED FS – BURGLARY, SHARADA AVADHANAM, FM – CAUSE OF DEATH ; FM – MANNER OF DEATH, FM – TIME SINCE DEATH SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MAJOR ACTS: INVESTIGATION OF BURGLARY, ROBBERY, DACOITY RIOTING, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 1 FEB – THU FS – QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS – CFSL FACULTY FM – COLLECTION OF EXHIBITS AND DESPATCH SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW - MAJOR ACTS: RULES AND PROCEDURES OF fir, inquest, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 2 FEB – FRI FS – FIRE ARMS OFFENCES, CFSL FACULTY, FM - INJURIES OF FIRE ARMS, SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MAJOR ACTS : TI PARADE & INTERROGATION,, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 3 FEB – SAT FS - ARSON, SHARADA AVADHANAM FM - INJURIES, SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MAJOR ACTS : SEARCH SEIZURE, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 4 FEB – SUN FS – HIT & RUN AUTOMOBILES, SHARADA AVADHANAM, FM –ACCIDENTS, SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MAJOR ACTS : COURT JUDGEMENTS, SC, HC & RULES, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP 5 FEB – MON FS – MISC TRACE EVIDENCE , GLASS SOIL WOOD, SHARADA AVADHANAM, FM - SOC EXAMINATION, SHARADA AVADHANAM, LAW – MINOR ACTS, SHARADA AVADHANAM, PRACTICAL – FP – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – HLPF – SHARADA AVADHANAM, MEGHANA PRACTICAL – MLC ON SCENE FROM OTHER GROUP TIME TABLE FOR OBSERVATION , PORTRAIT PARLE STREAM 10-11 11-12 12-1 2-3 3.30-4.30 4.30-5.30 EVENT : PHOTOGRAPHY: EVENT: OBSERVATION EVENT: POLICE PORTRAIT 29 JAN,-MON LAYING THE SCENE: LADY MURDER CAMOUFLAGED AS SUICIDAL HANGING WITH SUICIDE NOTE BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO OBSERVATION: FORMS AND BRIEFING ; 1. COMPLAINT 2. FIR SHOW BLANK , FILLED IN FORMS : WRITE COMPLAINT FIR OBSERVATION: VIDEOS OF 1 RIOT, DESCRIBE THE SCENE SET UP ROOM WITH 40 ARTICLES: KITCHEN ARTICLES ASK QUESTIONS: BRIEFING & PRAN MOVIE ACTING ; DESCRIBE THE PERSON. 30 JAN – TUE LAYING THE SCENE: DEATH BY POISONING, BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO BRIEFING : SOC PANCHNAMA WRITE SOC PANCHNAMA VIDEOS OF HATE SPEECH + DESCRIBE THE SCENE 40 OFFICE TABLE ITEMS COORDINATOR ROOM NAVNATH ACTOR ACTING / . DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 31 JAN –WED LAYING THE SCENE: BURGLARY OF HOME BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO BRIEF & WRITE SKETCH VIDEOS ROAD ACCIDENT DESCRIBE THE SCENE HOTEL DHABA PARTICIPANT NO 1 ACTING ; . DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 1 FEB – THU LAYING THE SCENE: DEATH BY USE OF SHARP INSTRUMENTS BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO 4. EXPLAIN AND WRITE EXPLAIN AND DRAW INQUEST ON DEAD BODY VIDEOS OF CEO MURDEER BY MOTHER DESCRIBE THE SCENE STUDY ROOM WITH BOOKS PARTICIPANT NO 2 ACTING ; . DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 2 FEB – FRI LAYING THE SCENE: DEATH BY USE OF FIRE ARMS BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO 5. EXPLAIN AND WRITE SEARCH SEIZURE REPORT VIDEOS OF SUSHANT DESCRIBE THE SCENE ALMIRAH WITH JEWEL BOX BEAUTY PRODUCTS PARTICIPANT NO 3 . DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 3 FEB – SAT LAYING THE SCENE: OUTDOOR : SCENE OF RIOT ON ROAD , BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO 6. EXPLAIN AND WRITE PM EXAM REPORT VIDEOS OF MADHUMITA SHUKLA DESCRIBE THE SCENE DRESSNG TABLE WITH BEAUTY PRODUCTS PARTICIPANT NO 4 ACTING ; . DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 4 FEB – SUN LAYING THE SCENE: OUTDOOR : DEATH BY HIT & RUN AUTOMOBILES, , BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO 7.EXPLAIN AND WRITE FSL REPORT VIDEOS OF PRAN PRATISHTA BY PM DESCRIBE THE SCENE MEDICINES PARTICIPANT NO 5 DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 5 FEB – MON LAYING THE SCENE: OUTDOOR EXPLOSIVES : BODY PARTS THROWN AROUND BRIEFING + TAKING PHOTO 8. EXPLAIN AND WRITE OBSERVATION REPORT OR CHARGE SHEET VIDEOS OF KUMBH MELA DESCRIBE THE SCENE BOOKS IN LIBRARY PARTICIPANT NO 6 . DESCRIBE THE PERSON.: 31/1/24 1. MLC OF POST BLAST INVESTIGATION 2. IED COMPONENTS are altered by the effect of explosion 3. May be widely dispersed 4. Depends on size and location of explosion 5. Collection of physical evidence from IED compoenents , initiation system, residues from explosives with control for sand 6. 60 PAGE IED: 7. Explosives: high explosive donot need confinement: primary and secondary: primary initiated by flame, secondary initiated by detonation , low explosive need confinement; 8. Explosives : fertilizer based – ammonium nitrate [+ sugar creates blasting agent ] and urea; inorganic salt based; peroxide based high explosives, a. Initiation system: delay, victim , command initiation 9. Forensic evidence: a. Timer parts b. Switch parts c. Battery parts d. Wires e. Electrical connectors f. Fuse remains g. Monofilament line or trip line h. Cell phone parts. i. Containers j. Binding material: i. Glue ii. Adhesive tapes iii. Wire iv. Cordage v. Paper vi. Card board vii. Wood viii. Plastic ix. Textiles k. Additional components: i. Shrapnel ii. Incendiary chemicals iii. Hazardous chemical, biological, radiological material iv. Metal plates, 10. Conduct a damage assessment for effects of explosion a. Blast pressure b. Fragmentation c. Heat d. Distribution of debris 11. Establishing the seat of explosion a. Crater , measurements , typs of surface on which cratr present, b. Extent to which bodies were severed lifted thrown to different distances c. Canine search units d. Explosive residues typically are found on ignition system parts of it, container remanants , as well as material surrounding the seat of explostion 12. Immovable objects showing potential evidence of residue should be swabbed and floor sweepings should be taken a. Fragments which have penetrated inanimate objects and victims shoud be recovered as should the clothing of victims b. Anything added to the scene like dry chemical fire extinguisher powder c. Structural engineers for risk analysis, 13. Secondary scenes: a. Provide very important links in investigation b. Include evidence present in hospitals, morgues, clandestine labs, suspects residence, possession, and transportation 14. When exhibits from scene are compared to exhibis seized from a suspect or to manufactured products linked to the suspect: 15. UAPA, EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES ACT, EXPLOSIVE ACT RULES, LICENSE , TERROR SOUVENIR IN THE SITE. 1/ 2/ 24. BURGLARY: HOUSE TRESPASS, AND BURGLARY BY NIGHT : STORY LINE FINGERPRINTS , FOOT PRINTS, ROD, LOCK BROKEN, BLOOD OF ACCUSED AT POINT OF ENTRY. TYPE PPOINTS OF ENTRY / EXIT/ RETREAT = TAKING THE GOODS AND RUN AWAY, WOODEN ALMIRAH, CONTENTS THROWN OUT, JEWELLERY SPREAD O UT. TOOL MARKS ON LOCK, TOOLS LEFT THERE PART OF IT, CIGARETTE BUTTS AT ENTRANCE, SCENE, AT ALMIRAH, TUMBLER FINGERPRINTS., CCTV CAPTURE. TAKE OUT ROUND BOX, FOR CCTV CAMERA. INMATES INJURIES. DUSTY FOOT PRINTS IN AND OUT, RIGHT AND LEFT. FINGEPRINTS ON JEWEL BOX, WOODEN ALMIRH FINGERPRINTS FOOT PRINTS ON ALMIRAH., SPREAD OUT ALL ITEMS, RANSACKING , INGREDIENT : THEFT BURGLARY AS PER LAW. BARE ACT. LESSON PLAN: THEORY INPUTS: Application of forensic science in investigation of property offences l ike burglary, robbery, and dacoity, rioting and arson. . Application of forensic science in investigation of offences relating to human body : homicide, suicide, poisoning, fire arms, hit & run accidents, offences relating to women, chidren like rape and pocso act. Application of forensic science in investigation of offences relating to document related offences. Medico legal: Examination of dead body, injuries, soc examination, collection of exhibits, and their medico legal significance. LAW: RULES , PROCEEDINGS AND CASE LAW on FIR, INQUEST, TI PARADE, INTERROGATION, SEARCH SEIZURE, DYING DECLARATION. JUDGEMENTS AND CASE LAW: Land mark judgements, rules, guidelines by SC HC. PRACTICALS: 1. DEMO and handon practice and relevan theory. On fingerprints, HLPF, for senior policemen. 2. Pre arranged scene of crime with two to three objects with latent impressions. 3. Participants will be asked to locate, and develop within a fixed frame of 20 minutes . each article contains two to three latent prints . 4. Each day with different objects for practice. The objects include routing normal exhibits encountered in typical SOC. FP: Paper, glossy surface, decolam, polished wood, glass, glazy surfaces like mirrors and on leather, and paper, tumbler – plastic, metal, cup saucer, beer bottle, disposable silver foil coated paper plates , on padlocks, leather or rexine : finished leather items, metal door handles, jeweler box, playing cards, mirrors, CD DVD, HLPF: 1. Blood: portable knife, with hair blood FP multiple evidences. 2. Burnt document, 3. Condoms, 4. Cigarette butts for saliva, 5. Tooth brush, 6. Tooth picks 7. Vaginal slides, swabs, 8. Tablets, 9. Plant material, 10. Cement , soil, gravel , sand 11. Syringe and needle, 12. Rope, 13. Suicide note, 14. Bullet 15. Cartridges Use of different commercial lifters. And proper labeling. POLICE PORTRAIT three way practice 1. photos of persons mixed with similar looking ones- describe the target. 2. portrait of a person, when he is amidst a group.- choose and pick the target 3. show a person, asked to describe the identifying features of the person. OBSERVATION: 1. PHOTOGRAPHS of SOC, movie of SOC, - asked questions about the event after a lapse of time. 2. They will be given a report, FIR, PM REPORT, FSL REPORT – and they will be asked to describe the gist of it . 3. competitors will be taken to specially prepared room with a pre arranged articles, - then asked questions about articles , observations, about state of things , arrangement of things, identifying features of things PHOTOGRAPHY: • They will bring digital camera • Procedure • Six continuous shots are taken. • One shot only chest number of competitor • Memory chip of CF card is taken out and hnded over to the judge • Five minutes for studying the scene • Ten minutes for taking six photographs • They will be presented with SOC of different crimes. Each day a set of 50 questions from all areas both theory and practical points will be administered , evaluated, discussed . The aim Is to make them coversant atleast with 500 questions in all FS fields. Lot of soft copies of study material will be shared Whatsapp and telegram groups of participants for their benefit for easy access to study material and monitoring and continuous learning.
ChatGPT said:

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am honored to present a summary of the extensive training program conducted by NFSU Pune Academy for the AIPDM RPF Course, which commenced on 29th January 2024 and continued with dedicated sessions until the Valedictory Program today. The training aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge in forensic science, medico-legal aspects, and law enforcement procedures. Here's a breakdown of the program:

General Overview:

  • Duration: January 29 to February 5, 2024.
  • Venue: NFSU Pune Academy.

Daily Schedule:

  • Registration and Inauguration: 29th January (9:00 AM to 9:45 AM).
  • Lunch: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
  • Tea Break: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM.

Written Exam Schedule:

  • Subjects Covered: FS (Homicide, Suicide), FM (Dead Body Examination), Law (Major Acts), Practical Sessions (FP, HLPF, MLC).
  • Daily Structure: Lectures and practical sessions conducted from 10 AM to 5:30 PM.

Observation and Portrait Parle Stream:

  • Activities: Photography sessions, observation exercises, and police portrait practices.
  • Topics Covered: Various crime scenes, including murder camouflaged as suicide, death by poisoning, burglary, and more.
  • Practical Sessions: Participants engaged in laying crime scenes, taking photographs, observing, and describing scenes and individuals.

Additional Focus Areas:

  • IED Components and Blast Investigation: Detailed information on explosive substances, forensic evidence, and damage assessment post-explosion.
  • Burglary Investigation: In-depth study of house trespass, burglary, and related offences with a focus on forensic evidence like fingerprints, footprints, and tool marks.
  • Lesson Plans: Theory inputs, medico-legal aspects, laws and rules related to investigations, and landmark judgments.

Practical Sessions:

  • Fingerprinting: Demonstrations and hands-on practice in lifting latent prints from various surfaces.
  • HLPF: Practical exercises involving blood, burnt documents, condoms, etc.
  • Police Portrait: Three-way practices involving photo identification of individuals.

Observation Sessions:

  • Review of Documents: FIR, PM Report, FSL Report, with subsequent questioning to assess understanding.
  • Prepared Room Exercises: Participants provided with prepared rooms to observe and describe the scene, articles, and identifying features.

Photography Sessions:

  • Equipment Used: Digital cameras provided to participants.
  • Procedure: Taking six continuous shots within a specified time limit.
  • Crime Scenes: Various simulated crime scenes for practical photography exercises.

Continuous Learning and Assessment:

  • Questionnaires: Daily sets of 50 questions covering theory and practical aspects.
  • Study Materials: Soft copies shared via WhatsApp and Telegram groups for easy access and continuous learning.

This training program aimed to foster a holistic understanding of forensic science, medico-legal procedures, and legal frameworks, ensuring participants are well-equipped to contribute effectively to law enforcement and investigative processes. I extend my congratulations to all participants for their dedication and hard work throughout this program.


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