Sunday, February 11, 2024

reading material for portrait parle bertillon system

  1.  CONTENTS: 
  8. CASE STUDY  
  11.  These two French words mean “speaking likeness”. 
  12.  Portrait Parle can be defined as a rigorous system for verbal description of physical characteristics of the subject. It is based on the Bertillon method of criminal identification by measurements of the human body and is still in practice today to some extent. 
  13. A distinctive description of every feature of the face and head are especially valuable for investigation, especially when a set of the suspect's fingerprints is not available in his file. 
  14.  In order to recognize individuals who were repeatedly arrested, Bertillon developed means by which portraits could be sorted by common morphological characteristics—the specific shapes of the different parts of the face—and thus an individual’s prior photo could be found without having to resort to browsing through large collections of portraits. This classification is known as the “portrait parlé” or spoken portrait. 
  15. HISTORY OF PORTRAIT PARLE  In 1882, Alphonse Bertillon, also called “Father of Scientific Detection” said that anthropology could be invoked to aid in the sight recognisation and identification of criminals.  
  16. Employing these methods of scientific description, he worked out a system of identification, utilizing 11skeletal measurements which are practicably unchanged after maturity and are not affected by increase or loss of weight. Alphonse Bertillon  (1853-1914)  
  17. His classification provided a basis for modern recall system that would aid the artist in producing sketches as well as the development of composite kits, catalogs and computer systems.  
  18. Originally, he meant for the catalogue to be an identification aid for recognition of local prisoners but later it was found to be useful for obtaining description of unknown suspects also.  
  19. Bertillon stated from the observations that human bone structure was more or less absolutely fixed by the age of 20, and that the skeleton varied tremendously in its dimensions between one person and another.  
  20. Before DNA evidences-and before that, the ubiquitous adoption of finger printing- became the dominant mode in which criminals were identified by law enforcements, another form of biometric identification was widespread around the world.  
  21. The portrait parle system also known as Bertillonage, had a major impact on criminology, specially in its native France.  It was not until 1882, however, that Bertillon was given the opportunity to prove the validity of his system in the eyes of the Prefect of Police.  After 3 month trial period, he was able to identify a repeat offender by proving that the man, who had just been caught on the scene of theft, had indeed been arrested sometime before. Despite using a false identity, the criminal was betrayed by his own body measurements and quickly confessed. 
  23. Whereas the anthropometric system made it possible to distinguish between two distinct individuals, it did not bring irrefutable proof of an individual’s identity. 
  24.  While not fully managing to fix this major flaw, Bertillon designed an incremental physical description card also called the Bertillon card, comprising of four areas:
  25.  ➢ anthropometry- a field he enriched with new topological descriptions of ear, nose and iris. 
  26. ➢ An incremental- a detailed physical description method which formed the basis of portrait parle. 
  27. ➢ photographic description- which he continually enhanced by defining a general protocol for face. 
  28. ➢ An inventory and precise mapping of all specific marks to be found on the body- scars, tattoos, moles and the like. ❑The Bertillon card included spaces for description of the prisoner’s 
  29.   eyes, 
  30.  ears, 
  31.  lips, 
  32.  beard, 
  33.  hair color,
  34.   skin color, 
  35.  ethnicity, 
  36.  forehead, 
  37.  nose 
  38.  chin 
  39.  general contour of head 
  40.  hair growth pattern 
  41.  eyebrows 
  42.  eyeballs and orbit 
  43.  mouth 
  44.  neck 
  45.  inclination of shoulders 
  46.  attitude  
  47. Voice 
  48.  language 
  49.   habiliments 
  51.  The Bertillon card included two photographs, one face-on and one in profile. 
  53.  Gender 
  54.   Face shape
  55.   Chin shape 
  56.  Skin color
  57.   Hair type (curly, wavy, straight) 
  58.  Widow’s peak 
  59.  Color of eyebrows 
  60.  Eyebrow thickness
  61.   Eyebrow placement
  62.   Eye color
  63.   Eye’s distance apart 
  64.  Eye size 
  65.  Eye shape 
  66.  Eyelash length 
  67.  Mouth size 
  68.  Lip thickness 
  69.  Nose size 
  70.  Nose shape 
  71.  Nostril shape 
  72.  Earlobe attachment 
  73.  Ear pits 
  74.  Hairy ears 
  75.  Cheek freckles
  76.   Forehead freckles
  77.   Hair color 

  79.  FACE: 
  80. oblong, 
  81. oval, 
  82. round, 
  83. rectangular, 
  84. square,
  85.  triangular, 
  86. diamond 

  87.  WIDOW’S PEAK: 
  88.  SKIN COLOR: 
  89. very fair,
  90.  fair 
  91. white skin, 
  92. light brown, 
  93. moderate brown, 
  94. dark brown,
  95.  deeply pigmented
  96.  dark brown to black. 

  1.  HAIR TYPES : 
  2. straight, 
  3. wavy, 
  4. curly, 
  5. coils, 
  6. undefined coils 

  7.  EYES:
  8.  round,
  9.  almond, 
  10. droopy,
  11.  droopy hooded, 
  12. Asian, 
  13. round Asian etc. 

  14. EYE COLOR: 
  15. gray, 
  16. green,
  17.  blue, 
  18. honey,
  19.  brown, 
  20. black •

  22.  black, 
  23. dark red, 
  24. dark brown, 
  25.  medium red, brown,
  26.  light red, blonde, 
  27. light blonde 
  29.  wide set, 
  30. down turned, almond eyes, close set eyes, hooded eyes, almond eyes. 

  32. Types of eyebrows:
  33.  thin, 
  34. natural,
  35.  thick 
  37.  protruding eyes,
  38.  small eyes, 
  39.  sunken eyes 
  40.  BEARD STYLES: 
  41. hollywoodian, 
  42. old dutch,
  43.  ducktail, 
  44. winnfield, 
  45.  pencil, anchor,
  46.  handlebar,
  47.  super mario,
  48.  mutton chops to name a few. 
  49.  CHIN TYPES: 
  50.  TYPES OF NOSE:
  51.   NOSE LENGTH: 
  53. EARS: 
  54. large, small, ear sticking in, ear sticking out HAIRY EAR: TYPES OF LIPS: close points, flat tops, roller coaster, large lower OCCUPATIONAL MARKS: 
  55. Some marks develop due to the kind of occupation performed by an individual. Some examples are given below: 
  56. • Tailor: marks of pin pricks.
  57.  • Dish washer: hands are rough, soddy and bigger in shape due to continuous exposure to water. • Truck driver: Corns on palm. 
  59.  Bertillon card for Thomas Conway, Measurements for Thomas Conway. arrested for larceny (portraits), May 11, 1911.
  60.  Bertillon card for May Walker, arrested for general theft (portraits), September 8, 1910. 
  61. Bertillon card for May Walker, arrested for general theft (measurements), September 8, 1910


1.           Benzedene is a dye which when (oxidised) forms blue colour.


2.           The confirmatory test for the identification of old stains is the formation of [specific] crystals.


3.           The specimen writings camouflaged by the writer from his usual  style are called [disguised]writings.


4.           Hang fire means _______________________ [ delayed ignition}.


5.           Shape of trajectory of bullet is __________________[parabolic].


6.           Range is the distance from ____________________ [ end of barrel to the target]


7.           Revolver’s cartridge cases are rimmed .


8.           Three close range effects are ___________, _____________ &_____________ [ scorching, blackening, & tattooing].


9.           Gun powder is a low explosive .


10.       Saliva is identified by amylase test.


11.       Type AB will have __________ antigens and ______antibodies [   ]


12.       GSR can be detected by thermal nitrate test.


13.       One cannot write twice exactly alike . true./false, [true]


14.       Constant disguise of perons’s writing is practically impossible. True./false [ true]


15.       Propellent is a  high explosive . true/false [false].


16.       9 mm pistol catridge cannot be fired from 9 mm calibre sten or carbine. True/ false [True].


17.       Alcohol stimulates the CNS. True / false [False.]


18.       A fracture line will not terminate at an existing line . true/ false [TRUE.]


19.       Explosive mixture .


a.            Potassium chlorate + sulphur


b.           Potassium chloride + arsenic sulphide


c.            Mg


d.           Gun powder                                       [c]


20.   What is the safety precaution that needs to be taken for throw down type country made bombs used.


a.            Keep them in a bottle containing water


b.           Keep them In a card board box


21.   Smokeless gun powder


a.            T&T


b.           RDX


c.            NC


d.           NG                                                 [C&D

22.   Poison pen letters are called


a.            Normal letters


b.           Suicide letters


c.            Anonymous letters


d.           Abnormal letters                         [c]


23.   The most frequently used equipment used by a document expert is


a.            IR IMAGE CONVERTER


b.           MAGNIFIER


c.            MIRROR                 [B]


24.   Science of hand writing

a.            Graphology


b.           Calligraphy


c.            Graphicoscopy


d.           Biography                       [c]


25.   The specimen signatures / writings should be taken from the suspect


a.            By dictation


b.           in different intervals


c.            in the court


d.           all of them                   [d]


26.   when an object strikes a flat piece of glass, investigation is feasible with the help of


a.            conchoidal fractures


b.           radial fractures


c.            concentric fractures


d.           a &c 


e.            b&c                                                        [c]


27.   paint appears as evidence in


a.            hit and run cases


b.           automobiles


c.            burglary


d.           all of them                                          [d]


28.   riflings impart

a.            linear motion


b.           angular motion


c.            spinning


d.           irregular motion                               [c]


29.   the main intoxicating adulterant in toddy


a.            alcohol


b.           chloral hydrate


c.            sugar


d.           soda                                                      [b

30.   micro scopic evidences are otherwise known as


a.       trace evidence                                                  [a

31.    blindness is one of the complications in


a.            Ethyl alcohol poisoning


b.           Methyl alcohol poisoning


c.            Organo phos poisoning


d.           Metallic poisoning


32.   While investigating a case of murder by poisoning, the police recovered ash and few pieces of burnt bones fromthe funeral pyre. Which of the following poisons can be detected on chemical analysis of these materials


a.            Copper sulphate


b.           Opium


c.            Aconite

d.           Arsenic


33.   Most of the poisons after absorption are modified or detoxified by


a.            Kidney


b.           Liver


c.            Pancreas


d.           Spleen


34.   Viscera is not needed in cases of poisoning by


a.            Insecticides


b.           Rodenticides


c.            Snake bites


d.           Sedative drugs


35.   Powder glass and diamond dust are classified


a.            Corrosive poisons


b.           Mechanical poisons


c.            Cardiac poisons


d.           Spinal poisons


36.   The most important organ that needs to be analysed for detection of carbon monoxide poisoning


a.            Stomach


b.           Lung


c.            Blood


d.           Urine

37.   Drunken driving can be proved from


a.            Presence of alcohol in stomach wash


b.           Alcohol concentration in breath


c.            Blood alcohol concentration


d.           Urine alcohol concentration


38.   One of the principal constituents of brown sugar is


a.            Morphine


b.           Cane sugar


c.            Heroin


d.           Milkpowder


39.   Which of the following is mild hallucinogenic drug


a.            Diazepam


b.           Ganja


c.            Barbiturate


d.           Methaqualone


40.   One of the following is used as stupefying agent for road side robbery


a.            Datura


b.           Madar juice


c.            Mercury


d.           Copper sulphate


41.   Carboxy haemoglobin is a compound of haemoglobin and

a.            Carbon dioxide


b.           Oxygen


c.            Nitrogen


d.           Carbon monoxide


True or false


42.     Consumption of barbiturates / sleeping pills in a drunken state poses a serious threat to the user.                                                                                                           [ TRUE]


43.     Common salt is a emetic agent .                                                               [ TRUE]


44.     Alcohol is a stimulant.                                                                    [True

45.     Charas is a product of cannabis plant.                                    [ TRUE]


46.     Yellow oleander seeds are cardiac  poison  [            ]


47.     Selection of poison by the victim depend upon his knowledge regarding its potential and easy availability.                                                                            [TRUE]


48.     Most of the poisons in use are legitimate use either  as prescription drugs or in agriculture and in industry.                                                                                          [ TRUE]


49.     The word narcotic refers to a substance capable to induce sleep.              [TRUE]


50.     The most abused drug of today HEROIN falls under semi synthetic drugs category .[ TRUE]


51.     The chronic narcotic drug user may suffer from malnutrition.     [ TRUE.]


52.     The most commonly used abused drugs are cocaine and amphetamine.                               [ TRUE.]


53.     YELLOW phosphorous  is poisonous while red phosphorous is non poisonous.   [ True ]


54.     Strychnine is a spinal poison.                                                                                    [  TRUE.

55.     Soil is a


a.            Compound


b.           Crystal


c.            Mixture


d.           Element                                               [c]


56.   At the point where an object strikes a window glass it puts


a.            Tension on the outer surface and compression on the inner surface


b.           Compression on the inner surface and tension on the inner surface


c.            Compression on both the surfaces


d.           Tension on both the surfaces                     [a]


57.   The engine and chassis numbers on the vehicles come under


a.            Cast marks


b.           Punched marks


c.            Engraved marks


d.           None                                                     [b]


58.   Paint evidence can play an important role


a.            Hit and run case


b.           Automobile accident


c.            Burglary


d.           All                                                                           [d]


59.   If the tool mark was made in steel, the standard should be made in


a.            Steel


b.           Lead


c.            Wood


d.           Any one                                               [b



60.     All the crime scene soil samples should be taken from several random points around the crime scene. [ TRUE. ]


61.     A contraction of glas panes by bullets reveals from which direction but also angle and type of ammunition.                                                                       [   TRUE.  ]


62.     XRAY diffraction is a destructive method.                                          [   FALSE. ]


63.     Glass is a mixture of cilicates and carbonates.                   [  TRUE ]


64.     Colour comparison must be made always when all the samples are dried under identical lab conditions.                                                                                            [    TRUE.  ] 



66.     A comparison of the density of soil particles is readily accomplished through the use of DENSITY GRADIENT TUBES..


67.     The principle involved in the restoration of erased numbers is variation in density.


68.     Spectrographic analysis is used to determine the elemental composition of the sample.


69.     Striated tool  marks are formed due to  sticking contact between tool and surface of the object.


70.     The identification marks on various articles CAST MARKS, ENGRAVED MARKS, PUNCHED MARKS.





Elemental composition


Striations on bullet


Quantitative analysis












72.     No other type of investigation of blood will yield so much useful information as an analysis of blood distribution pattern” this statement was made by


a.            Henry G Lee


b.           GFSensabaugh


c.            Paul Kirk


d.           Richard safferstein                                          [c

73.   The serological evidence should be carefully collected and packed in


a.            Polythene packets


b.           Cloth paper packets


c.            Plastic bags


d.           Dusty jute bags                                                                 [b

74.   Liquid blood from scene of crime can be collected by


a.            Clean medicine dropper


b.           Clean polythene paper


c.            Clean gauze cloth


d.           Newspaper                                        [c

75.   Preliminary test for identification of blood is carried on by


a.            Precipitin test


b.           Phenolphthalein test


c.            Flame test


d.           Elution test                                         [b]