Friday, September 08, 2023

mspdm observations by osd nfsu pune academy



A case of murder reported by the daughter of the deceased

·         Who complained that there was no response for her phone call she made on 9th at 6 o’clock and till 9.30 am there was no response.

·         The deceased woman is 78 years old and living alone in an apartment which is far away from her children’s house, both daughter and son.

·         Son Anirudh stays at Bombay.

·         Daughter stays in town.

·         As per the complaint since there was no response to her phone call she rushed to the mother house and opened the main door by means of a duplicate spare key available with her.

·         Since the door is locked from inside.

·         There were frequent family disputes between the deceased and her son over ancestral property partition.

·          Two day back to the incident, there was a phone call from her son saying that he would settle the matter once and for all by visiting his mothers place  and

·         a day prior to the incident , the deceased had a conversation with her daughter

o   that there were some plumbing issues in the bath room and kitchen and she would like to call upon the plumber to get the pipe issue resolved.


On arriving at the scene,

·         she found her mother in a pool of blood,

·         with both the earlobes being cut

·         with profuse bleeding and

·         With a nylon wire around the neck.

·         On the right of the neck with a distinct mark,

·         in the right hand of the deceased a torn bit of cloth is present.

·         There were two blood stained foot prints leading towards the balcony.

·         There was blood stained knife also seen found near the sofa.

·         On the compound wall entangled to a nail there was a torn piece of cloth found present.

·         Near the dead body, there was a leather bag containing some implements required for plumbing work.

·         Police were put into action and started investigating in this case:

·         The assailants were trying to simulate a case of suicide.

·         Six room apartment, two rooms were locked.


On dead body:

1.       describe the condition of tightly clenched hand holding a torn cloth in the fist

a.       Cadaveric spasm.

2.       What was the condition, what is rigor mortis whether it was observed

3.       Whether the distinct mark observed on the neck of the deceased showed any pattern, which is comparable with the ligature pattern [ nylon plastic wire]

4.       What do you mean by asphyxia, could you find any signs of asphyxia on the body of the deceased? Three Cs

5.       What is latent print, could you observe any prints on the knife blood stained, near the sofa.

6.       Out of the bloody foot prints seen, out of two, whether they belonged to one person or two[ two prints of left. Two prints of right, or one left and right foot prints observed

7.       Whether the injuries on the body,

8.       What type of injuries were found on the body, could they have been caused by the knife found in site. Near sofa.

9.       Describe the type of injuries present on the body and how they are caused and do they link any item found on the scene


1.       It is quite unusual, that any plumber visiting the house of the deceased at that time even before morning six am.

2.       Last presumed, they will come later

3.       Mobile call records of the deceased her daughter and her son.

4.       What is time since death? What could be the approximate time since death of the deceased

5.       What area the parameters based on which, such conclusions can be drawn

6.       To rule out the Involvement of deceased’s son- as to hiring professional killers in the guise of plumbers visiting the house, - he needs to be interrogated.

7.       He becomes first suspect since disputes are already existing as to property.


1.       Exhibits to be sent to FSL:

a.        A tiny  sample of blood from the pool onto a sterile gauze cloth

b.      Photos,

c.       record,

d.      sketch notes of scene

e.      evidences numbering,

f.        L shaped scales near injury,

g.       Label,

h.      distances measure,

i.         locate where located,

j.        place land marks and

k.       directions to the scene

2.       IO

a.       designation,

b.      ps address,

c.       distances between clues

3.       Smooth sketch , rough sketch

4.       Witnesses in the locality panchas two respectable people of locality

5.       Photo of mark on neck

6.       Visible surface foot prints.

a.       After in-situ photograph with a scale and label ,

b.       it has to be traced on a poly vinyl paper

c.       white transparent paper,

d.      with a sketch pen ensuring that

e.      the paper does not come in contact with bloody print.

f.        By putting supports on all four sides of paper.

7.       Fingerprints:

a.       the knife is observed for fingerprints found if any by using magnifier glass in case located. –

b.      enhance their visibility by using appropriate fingerprint powders with help of brush

c.       after due development they need to be transferred on to appropriate hinge commercial tape lifter

d.      with details written on the back side of the lifter. 

e.      With proper packaging.

8.       Knife-

a.       after air drying the blood stain,

b.      wrap the blade portion in a gauze cloth and

c.       put a paper cover properly tying with thread, and

d.      Putting it in a proper package.

9.       Nylon rope-

a.       comparison with the pattern found on the neck of the deceased,

b.      With the knot pattern of the ligature used.

c.       Nylon rope.

d.      Could the ligature support or

e.      bear the weight of the deceased.

f.        [ to refute the version of the accused on interrogation]


1.       Under which section of law the case is to be booked.

2.       What should be the line of investigation

3.       Collecting the CDR of three mobile phones

4.       Taking 161 crpc statements from all

5.       164 statement from suspect no 1 the son the deceased

6.       Is it accident , suicide, or homicide


HLP: scenario:

7.       It is a case of friendship gone awry:

a.       one of them with an ulterior motive of killing the other,

b.      intentionally, administers, a drug in water and

c.       made the deceased to drink ,

d.      after ensuring that his friend became unconscious,

e.      he was strangulated with a plastic rope and

f.        to mislead police, he created the scene to appear as if

g.       it is a case of suicide by hanging using odhni.

8.       Marks:

a.       Observer marks 5 +

b.      packing 20 + 

c.       forwarding note report 25

9.       Paper cup disposable, tablet wrapper,, rope, odhni and forwarding note to be prepared

10.   It appears that there are three glasses with half filled water.

11.   A nylon rope,

12.   A odhni

13.   A tablet wrapper, empty near the d3ad body

14.   There is an empty- white- plastic – white - disposable glass of 100 ml capacity,- with white powdery remnants.

15.   General IO kit box : need to create and supply on payment basis, a general IO kit to each participant.  It should contain:

16.   Provision for label pack handle different categories of evidentiary items . i.e.

a.       physical,

b.      chemical,

c.       biological,

d.      electronic,

e.      misc etc. 

f.        paper bags and envelops assorted sizes,

g.       self zip lock plastic envelopes,

h.      assorted sizes,

i.         scalpel,

j.        knife,

17.   forceps both sharp and rubber tipped,

18.   watch glass,

19.   glass rods,

20.   filter paper,

21.   FTA cards,

22.   gauze cloth,

23.   magnifying glass, 

24.   portable UV light,

25.   foldable small scissors

26.   digital distance measuring device

27.   metal mirror to inspect underneath the vehicle

28.   soap , disinfectant and towel

29.   PPE attire for whole body with gloves,

30.   card board boxes assorted sizes,

31.   three layer bubble wrap faraday bag ,

32.   Cutting plier,

33.   Screw driver

34.   Measuring tape

35.   Marking chalk

36.   Cellophane tape

37.   Fingerprint powder

38.   Sealing wax

39.   Fingerprint brushes

40.   Tissue paper,

41.   Fingerprint napkin

42.   Flashlight

43.   glass zlides,

44.   high beam portable light

45.   pair of tongs,

46.   plastic tins assorted sizes,

47.   fevi gum stIcks,

48.   colorless tape,

49.   liquid dropper,

50.   appendorf pipettes, ,and tips,

51.   saline distilled water bottle small,

52.   needle and thread,

53.   jute rope,

54.   magnet,

55.   small magnet,

56.   paint brush,

57.   measuring tape,

58.   chalk pieces,

59.   screw drive,

60.   cutting plyer,

61.   mikrosil dental stone, 

62.   Chain of custody form proformae for training only not for completion –

a.       forwarding note,

b.      chain of custody,

c.       label – outer , inner,

d.      rubber stamp to sign on,

e.      ink pad for stamp,

f.        dampener sponge

63.   Transparent tracing paper for foot prints. ,

64.   Hinge tape lifter,,

65.   Fingerprint powders,

66.   Number plates,

67.   pocket notes,

68.   pens, glass marker pencils, pens,

69.    News direction compass

70.   Scales-big and L shaped scales

71.    Camera or mobile to record. Voice and video.

72.    Proformae to draw sketches and

73.   plastic template to draw building and human body.

74.   Geometry box with sharp pencil ad eraser , sharpener,

75.   Packe t of rubber bands.

76.   Lac to seals , metal seal,

77.   Spatula,

78.   Candles, match box,

79.   Spoon for melting the lac powder

80.   Metal seal

81.   Plastic disposable gloves,

82.   mask,

83.   sanitizer

84.    For observers : in addition to giving proformae, the observer should be given enough inputs to focus on

a.       how each competitor is handling each evidence article,

b.      use of light,

c.       magnifiers to locate ,

d.      trace evidences,

e.      like fingerprints,

f.        latent prints,

g.       hair,

h.      trace of wiped blood,

i.         saliva, etc,

j.        sequencing the order in which the examination is conducted to preserving the integrity of all available evidentiary exhibits by the competitor.

k.       Type and nature of item,

l.         context of the item, 

m.    condition of the item,

n.      how appropriately recovered,

o.      handled,

p.      packed, and

q.      preserved,

r.        eg. In case of the paper tumbler – it should be handled by using both palms one at bottom and one at the rim of the glass or alternatively – by using middle finger and thumb of right or left hand,

s.       [ unusal handling methods used by competitor should be commented upon to protect the integrity of the sample] . 

t.        handling methods { minimum handling, unusual handling, glove handling].

85.   Lifting :

a.       portability of the substratum, if portable – entire article,

b.       if not portable – lifting

c.       methods,

d.      swabbing,

e.       scraping,

f.        lifter methods,

g.       pipetting,

h.      casting,

i.          sweeping,

j.        tracing, -

k.       observer should observe and comment on the same

86.   Packaging –

a.       airtight ,

b.      porous,

c.       antiseptic,

d.      anti static,

e.      anti magnetic,

87.   Seal –

a.       unique,

b.      legible,

c.       intact,

88.   Sample seal

89.   Placement seal – all possible areas of opening and tampering –

a.       eg: crossing,

b.      fastening,s

c.       knots,

d.      openings.


Portrait parle:

1.       The competitor should stand in a single file circle, rather than spreading over for three rows .

a.       the difficulty is those standing in the outer peripheral rows,

b.      will not have a clear vision due to blocking by the front row,

c.       not able to closely observe the actor to draw a clear picture

2.       It being a systematic science, with lot of cross disciplinary inputs, ,a specific scientific nomenclature need to be adopted to describe

a.       every part of the body,

b.      every piece of attire,

c.       every bit of action, and

d.      dialects spoken,

3.       A firm grip of the scientific jargon and English language is needed –

a.       practice with scientific lexicon,

b.      practice in describing the person , attire,

4.       The attire –

a.       a man clad in dhoti and black shirt with a upper cloth,

b.      a typical attire of south indiian, 

c.       with prominent vermilion on his fore head,

d.      well groomed,

e.      richly clad with gold ornaments.

f.        [ necklace, chains in gold including bracelet and rings ]

g.       with black specs on.

5.       Spoken language –

a.       appear to be fluent,

b.       multilinguist.

c.       Speaking hindi, Marathi, English, tamil. And telugu.

6.       About attitude from words spoken –

a.       filthy,

b.      abusive,

c.       intimidating, and threatening with dire consequences,

d.      smoke puffed out onto the participants,

e.      showing his tantrums and power,

f.        with scant regard for authority and rule of law.

g.       Intimidating b showing finger  at the participants.

h.      Direct abuse with anger

7.       Gait – careless, sluggish, dragging,

8.       Built – well built, stout, medium stature, black complexioned, male, middle aged,

9.       Political and don like qualities

10.   The competitor should have Command over

a.       adjectives,

b.      scientific terminology to describe each bit and piece of attire,

c.       person,

d.      jewellery,

e.      the gait,

f.        the description of the man and

g.       his deportment,,

h.      the speech, and

i.         language to describe different emotions, conveyed through his speech,

j.        Action and posture.



Observation test :

1.       Adjectives,

a.       lexicon,

b.      legal jargon,

c.       what evidence is to be found and observed in which type of scene,

d.      prior knowledge and training is needed

2.       A typical rioting scene points to be observed are :

a.       Irate mob,

b.      slogans,

c.       placards,

d.      content of slogan,

e.      destruction or damage to property,

f.        buildings,

g.       enterprises,

h.      surrounding areas damaged,

i.         wall hangings destroyed,

j.        govt and private property damaged,

k.       shops, dhabas damaged ransacked, buddy shops destroyed,

l.         cinema halls

m.    railway station

n.      bus stand

o.      airport damaged

p.      political meeting.

q.      Pandals and stage ,

r.        fire arson,

s.       firing and counter firing,

t.        stone throwing,

u.      tear gas,

v.       lathi charge,

w.     rubber bullets,

x.       wooden shields,

y.       pelting of stones,

z.       vehicles ,

aa.   vehicle number,

bb.  make,

cc.    ambulances,

dd.  police jeeps,

3.       Person description:

a.       stature

b.      gait

c.       language,

d.      mannerism,

e.      attitude,

f.        hate speech,

g.       enraging emotions,

h.      political speech,

i.         unlawful assembly,

j.        water cannon,

k.       throwing of Molotov cocktail,

l.         banners,

m.    flexis,

n.      hoardings ,

o.      lanes,

p.      bylanes,

q.      main road,

r.        traffic signals,

s.       mile stones,

t.        land marks,

u.      railway announcements,

v.       train number,

w.     platform no,

x.       destination,

y.       arrival,

z.       departure,

aa.   bogey nos,

bb.  compartment no,

General observation on training and preparedness of contestants:

·         Contestants are unevenly placed regarding their understanding and training of the tests , procedures, what they are expected to do , what prior knowledge is required of them. It is biased in favour of repeaters and against the first timers.

·         There is a need for a week training for all applicants one month prior to the MSPDM event regarding the events, rules, what is done, what is expected and a peek into the requirements as given above and the need to buy a kit as above, along with details of books , manuals, practicals required to equip them for the exam. [book of malhal rao]

·         One month gap between this training and the MSPDM exam schedule.

·         For those who qualify full time 3 month [minimum] training program in MIA with exhaustive hands on practice. They should be given a university certificate for the training undergone.

·         There is a need for training in court demeanor and court procedures along with law subjects being taught.  

·         For those who qualify a system of person to person mentoring by the senior participants of AIPDM who are now not allowed to participate due to rule restrictions. BUDDY system.

·         For those who do not qualify but missed-out by a few marks, a system of TEAM B, a system of continued personal off duty training being monitored by the respective heads of police stations so as to make them ready for the next event. [ MENTOR  system]

·         The contestants need training in ENGLISH, esp scientific English, English drafting of relevant narrative as per our formats used in police station as per police manual.

·         They need training in interview techniques and fluency in expressing in English in addition to the scientific and subject based training.

·         Contestants have expressed their need to be trained in FS subjects in their respective headquarters or in places like MIA by any outside FS university or FSL experts with certification from a university as was done for portrait-parle by an expert recently

·         Contestants need a standard kit with items as indicated above for purchase by all.

·         Our services should be utilized for undertaking such training activities wherever required and found feasible by the authorities.

·         There is a need for encouraging authors to write MSPDM AIPDM syllabus specific books for use by the contestants both in English and Marathi a bilingual manual .