Sunday, July 16, 2023



aipdm rules 2018 lucknow computer awareness competition page 1




Name of course: Certificate Course in Police Professional Performance Enhancement (C-P3E)

What is All India Police Duty Meet:

The All India Police Duty Meet is organized annually by BPRD, in collaboration with sports verticals of state and central police forces,  with the aim of improving the standards of professional performance in the Police Forces of India. Started in 1953 as Rifle and Revolver Shooting Competition, it has gradually grown to its present form covering various aspects of investigation of crime, particularly those relating to scientific and technical aids to investigation.

There has always been a need for bringing together Police men from various districts/ranges so that they could discuss the problems common to them and their possible solutions and exchange good practices . It is thought that by organizing such Police Duty Meet, the participants would gain from each other’s experiences which would result in greater efficiency and improvement in the standard of professional performance of the entire force. The increase in the professional capacity would ultimately benefit the common citizen. The image of the police would also rise in the eyes of civil society, media, judiciary, polity . thereby the confidence level of Junior and middle level police leadership would considerably go up.

Aim: The aim of the Certificate Course in Police Professional Performance Enhancement (C-P3E) is to provide comprehensive training and upskilling to police professionals, enabling them to enhance their performance, effectiveness, and professionalism in their respective roles.


  1. Develop Advanced Skills: Equip police professionals with advanced skills and competencies required for optimal performance in law enforcement, including areas such as communication, decision-making, leadership, conflict resolution, and critical thinking.
  2. Enhance Tactical Proficiency: Enhance the tactical proficiency of police professionals through specialized training in areas such as anti sabotage, scientific aids to investigation techniques, canine handling, crowd control, and response to critical incidents.
  3. Improve Investigative Techniques: Provide training in advanced investigative techniques, evidence collection, crime scene management, forensic analysis, and other essential skills to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of police investigations.
  4. Foster Community Engagement: Promote community-oriented policing by training police professionals on building trust, developing positive relationships with the community, and implementing strategies for effective community engagement and collaboration.
  5. Strengthen Ethical Conduct: Reinforce ethical standards and professional conduct among police professionals, emphasizing integrity, fairness, respect for human rights, and adherence to legal procedures.
  6. Enhance Leadership and Management Skills: Develop leadership and management capabilities among police professionals at all levels, enabling them to effectively lead teams, make sound decisions, manage resources, and adapt to dynamic law enforcement challenges.
  7. Improve Mental and Physical Well-being: Provide tools and techniques to promote the mental and physical well-being of police professionals, including stress management, resilience building, self-care, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  8. Promote Professional Development: Encourage continuous professional development among police professionals by fostering a culture of lifelong learning, encouraging participation in training programs, workshops, and seminars relevant to their roles and responsibilities.
  9. Foster Interdepartmental Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among different police departments including FSL, FM, FB, NARCOTIC,  fostering a cohesive and coordinated approach to law enforcement and public safety.
  10. Enhance Public Perception: Aim to improve the public perception of law enforcement agencies by equipping police professionals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and professionalism, thereby building trust and strengthening the relationship between the police and the community.

By achieving these objectives, the C-P3E course seeks to empower police professionals with the tools and capabilities necessary to excel in their roles, promote public safety, and contribute to the overall well-being of the communities they serve.




Need  of this course :

A survey of preparatory effort in state police forces reveals a gap in training and preparatory infrastructure and planned human resource skill upgradation as the event is included under sports wing of police administration thus reducing its importance as a skilling event and training event. It is left to the individual police man to improve himself and equip himself with requisite knowledge skills and aptitude to make a mark in the competitive field.

 There is felt need for a organized training and coaching program as there a service incentives given to winners from police top brass in every state. This is only event which tests police skills in scientific aids to investigation [ forensic competence], and we being the premier university  whose main motto is to upskill , and improve the professional proficiency as our mandate should offer assistance to the police forces in the county


Period and duration :

A 90 day course aimed at three levels of proficiency in a staggered  time frame spread over nine months including a POST-COURSE ONLINE ONE ON ONE HAND HOLDING CUM COUNSELING till the DUTY MEET   is completed .

Certificate to be offered :

Proficiency certificate with recommendatory letter  for the best performer to include him in the squad for the district and state based on his proficiency level as adjudged by us.

Tool kit:

Separate tool kits for each specialization to be supplied to the participants on payment basis.

Curriculum and syllabus:

As per the AIPDM instructions  which slightly change every year and our syllabus needs to be dynamically adjusted to meet the requirements of the same.

Theory and practical:

1. Theory and practical for each event organized by the AIPDM . events are as below:

1. The Police Duty Meet comprises competitions in the following items:

i) Scientific Aids to Investigation]

ii) Police Photography

iii) Computer Awareness

iv) Videography

v) Anti Sabotage Check

vi) Police Dog

2. Hands on sessions and rigorous practice

Theory sessions in the forenoon followed by practical in afternoon sessions. With daily briefing and debriefing  sessions at start and end of each module.

3. 24x7x365  tutoring, feedback , monitoring and evaluation system


ELIGIBILITY : competitor to abide by the rules of AIPDM as given by BPRD each year. Each competitor should have completed at least one year service in the regular police force in the rank of constable or above on the date of the application. A sports person who won medal in a particular event/competition, the sports person would not be eligible for participation in that event during subsequent 2 years.


i) Written Test:-

5. The paper for the written test in Forensic Science will be of two hours duration and a maximum of 50 marks will be assigned for this paper.

6. A maximum of 5 broad questions with a few subdivisions in each, if necessary, will be set. Each main question will cover the investigation of one type of crime. Police officer sitting for this test will not be expected to give details of each technique employed. The object will be to elicit from the competitors the extent of their appreciation of the application of forensic science in the investigation of each type of case viz.

i) Burglaries involving breaking open padlocks, body locks, safes, windows, doors etc. All these come under examination of tool marks.

ii) Suspected cases of poisoning

iii) Investigation of homicide and suicide

iv) Offences using fire arms

v) Arson

vi) Application of different photographic techniques in the Investigation of questioned documents including erasures, over writing, invisible writings etc.

vii) Hit-and-run automobile accidents

The problems regarding questioned documents will be included in the papers on Forensic Science and the oral test thereof.

7. As Investigating Officers very frequently come across blood, semen and other biological stains, hair, glass, soils, wood fragments, fibers, paper, textiles and other miscellaneous traces such as dust, ash, etc., one or two questions may be sent on the significance of such evidence. These questions will be so designed as to elicit broadly from the competitors, the importance of the different kinds of examinations to which the above material will be subjected, for ascertaining any information that may lead to a satisfactory solution of the crime.

Medico - Legal Test (Oral)

8.The oral examination will be on medico - legal and scientific subjects. Before the examination starts, the competitors will be given 30 minutes to study the problem / problems set forth for the


competition. They will be allowed to jot down any points that they wish to note, but will not be allowed to make detailed notes. There after, questions will be asked relating to subjects like the examination of dead bodies, examination of injuries, examination of scenes of crime, accidents, collecting exhibits and their dispatch for examination. The framing of the questions will be left to the discretion of the judges. The time allotted for each individual for the oral examination will be about 15 minutes.

9. (a) The practical examination will comprise six sub-sections carrying 50 marks each.

i) Finger Prints;

ii) Criminal Investigation, criminal laws, rules & procedures and court judgments

iii) Police Portraits;

iv) Observation;

v) Lifting and Packing of Exhibits;

vi) Photography; and

vii)There will also be an oral examination of the practical test in Finger Prints.

(i) Fingerprints

(b) For item (i), there will be a pre-arranged scene of crime having 2 or 3 objects on which latent finger impressions will be recorded. The nature of the objects will be such as to necessitate the use of 2 or 3 different powders for developing the latent prints, depending upon the nature of surface. Each competitor will be asked to look for and develop these latent prints within the prescribed time not exceeding 20 minutes. The judges will then examine the developed prints, award marks and then set up the scene afresh for the next competitor.

(ii) “Crime Investigation, Criminal Laws, Rules& Procedures and Court Judgments”

(a) Crime investigation include multiple type questions comprising of topics like:-

(i) Crime investigations

(ii) Law and procedures/rules

(iii) Judgments etc.

(b) The test contains 50 questions carrying one mark each, totaling 50 marks. The areas from which questions will be asked is as follows:-

(i) Crime Investigation 15 marks

(a) Investigation of homicide

(b) Dacoity and Robbery

(c) Rape

(d) Cases of Rioting etc.

(ii) Law 15 marks

(a) All Major & Minor Acts

(iii) Rules &Proceedings 10marks

(a) FIR

(b) Inquest

 (c) T.I. Parade

(d) Interrogation

(e) Search & Seizure etc

(iv) Court Judgments 10 marks

(a) Chiefly the Judgments& Rules of Supreme Court & High Courts

(iii) Police Portraits

d) For item (iii), the competitors will be shown photographs of persons for a limited period of time to be fixed before hand and intimated to them by the Judges. These photographs would then be mixed with other and the competitors will have to pick them out within a short period of time, to be fixed by Judges. The competitors may be shown persons for a short while and then be asked to describe them, either in English or in their own language. They may also be given the police portrait of an individual, and be asked to locate him from amongst a group within a fixed period of time. The tests based on any photographs or persons shown to the candidates will be held after a certain lapse of time, the exact duration of which would be left to the discretion of the judges.

iii) Observation

e) For item (iv), the competitors will be shown photograph of scenes of crime for a limited period of time and will then be asked questions on them, either immediately or after some lapse of time. They will be given are port to read for a limited period of time, and will then be asked either immediately, or after some lapse of time to write its gist. The competitors may also be taken to specially prepared rooms etc. for a specified time, and after an interval to be fixed by the judges be asked to write out what they have observed.

(iv) Lifting and Packing of Exhibits

f) The test under item (v) will comprise lifting, packing, sealing and forwarding of exhibits for examination, along with a report for the experts.

(v) Photography

g) The competitor should neither be from amongst those employed as regular police photographers nor they should have been so employed in the past. Only the following cameras will be used:

Crime Scene photography under Scientific Aids to Investigation

(i) Camera- Digital Cyber Shot Camera (Compact camera with non-detachable lens)with memory chip/CF card with 4x optical zoom (max)

(ii) Procedure-Six(6) Continues shots will be taken, 6th shot will only of the chest number of competitor. Memory chip/CF card will be taken out by the competitor and will be handed over to the Judges present for printing through PC. Five minutes will be given to each competitor for studying the scene of crime and 10 minutes for taking 6 photographs of the scene of crime.

 12. Equipment

Each competitor should come fully equipped with his own investigation officer’s kit and any other equipment that might be required in connection with the competition



1. This competition is open to All Police Officers including Police Photographers who may use official cameras issued to them by their departments.


2. The Scope of the competition is as follows :

i) Event-I : - The test will be conducted on-line/offline objective type.

ii) Event-II & III will be conducted by using latest version of software like MS Office -2010, Visual Basic and .Net Only

Method Of Conduct

3. The competition will be conducted for the Events - I and II as individual events and Event - III will be team event. Individual scores will be aggregated for the individual events to get the team scores.

Team Composition

Event - I : Constant having more correct answers shall be declared the winner. In case of a tie in a number of correct answers also., no . of wrong answers shall be taken in to reckoning. Contestant with lesser negative marks shall be the winner.

Event - II : Contestant taking lesser time in completing the tasks will be declared the winner.

Event - III : Team taking lesser time in completing the tasks will be declared the winner.



Event -I


(Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true or false and matching)

Time 90 Min. Max. Marks 100

Hardware :

1. Fundamentals of computers

2. Computer generations with changing technology :a. Super Computer, b. Main / Mini Frames, c. Laptops, d. RISC, CISC / Intel Base Systems

3. Memories :a. Chip b. MOS, c. BIOS e. ROM / RAM / EPROM / ECC /DDR / EDO f. Flash Memory

4. Storage devices :

a. Hard disks ,b. floppy disks ,c. CD-ROM / DVD / DAT / CTD d. Pen Drive e. RAID g. Storage Networks (SAN)h. Clustering

5. Numbering systems :a.. Binary, Octal, Hex a decimal – their conversions, b. Binary representations c. Binary calculations (Addition / Subtraction / Division Multiplication )d. negative numbers, e. complements

6. Computer peripherals :b. Multimedia c. Modems d. RFIDs

7. Different types of ports

8.Computers architecture- a. Client – Server b. Host Based / Master Slave c. Hybrid d. Peer to Peer e. Different tires of architecture (two – tier / three – tier )

Software :

1. Office Suites :

a. MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access )b. Star Office Suite c. Lotus Smart Suit (Lotus 123, Freelance, Lotus WordPro)

2.Data bases :a. Visual FoxPro. ORACLE c. MS-SQL Serve rd. MYSQL / Post Gres

3. Programming Tools :a. Visual Basic, VB. NET b. C, c. C++ and Visual C++d. Java e. XM

4. Web Design Packages :a. HTML b. ASP / ASP NET c. XML

5. Date warehousing & Data mining


Operating Systems


2. Windows 9x / Windows 2000 / Windows 2003 / Windows NT

3. Novell Netware

4. UNIX / Linux / Sun Solaris / HP UX / AIX


1. MS Exchange

2. Lotus Notes

3. Novell Groupware



1. Fundamentals of networking technology including

a. Types of networks

b. Hubs, Routers, Switches, Gateways

c. Cables (UTP / FDDI / Ethernet etc. )

d. VSAT Technology

e. ISDN / PSTN, Leased Line, Frame relay

f. Wireless LAN technology

2. OSI Layer and its functionalities

3. Protocols

4. Internet / Intranet / Extranet

5. VPN


7. Data structures and communication


Computer Security

1.Cyber security / network security including

a. Firewall

b. IDS

c. IPS

2. Cyber Crime

3. Cyber Forensics

4. Morphing

5. Virus

a. Types

b. Functionalities

c. Signature

d. Scanners and cleaners

6. Security Policy

7. Encryption technologies

a. PKI

b. 128 Bit

c. SSL


a. Scanning technology


c. Speech / voice recognition

d. GIS

e. Robotics

f. Artificial Intelligence

g. Biometrics

h. Bioinformatics

i. Blue Tooth Technology

j. IT Act 2000

k. IT Initiatives in Police


Event – II


Time 1 Hr. Max. Marks 100

(This Event has two options. Only one option may be selected as per



MS-Office 2010 (latest version )

a) Text Entry MS-Word (Speed and accuracy will be tested)

b) Creation of a table in MS-Excel and preparation of a graph (Pie-Chart, Histogram, Bar Chart, Line Chart, etc.) , pivot table and print.


Developing an |Application using VB.NET

Time 1Hr.

Max. Marks 100

Develop an application using MS Access as the back-end database.

Visual Basic (latest version ) to be used as front-end and development tool.

The requirement specification will be provided at the time of test.

Application should include at lease one data entry screen and at least one

data retrieval facility (query and report )

IT PROJECT : To be done and submitted by state police forces for evaluation which is optimizing use of CCTNS without the need for outsourcing to third parties.



Rules -

  After the practical test, the competitors are required to attend viva voce. The participants will sit in the earmarked place till they are called for viva. After that they will be required to assemble at event point for debriefing.


1) Competitors should bring their own equipment which should be in perfect working order No replacement will be provided by the organizers.

Following items are regarded as essentials.

a) Explosive detector

b) Mine Sweeper

c) Hand held medal detector

d) Non-linear junction detector

e) Search Light

f) prodder

g) mirror

Devices -

Concealed devices include

a) Real explosives

b) Dummy detonators

c) Power sources

d) Switches

Area of Search -

Area of search may be more then one and would include room / open lawn / Vehicle.


 procedure adopted for carrying out Anti -Sabotage checks

Number of devices detected

Identification of Explosive

Viva voce


1. This competition is Open to all police officer, including police photographers who may use official cameras issued to them by their department The aim of the competition is to judge the ability and proficiency of the competitors in handling the video equipment and videograph the scenes of incident.

  The subject for the competition would be an outdoor scene having evidentiary value. The competition would be based on any of the functional requirements related to police duties as indicated below:

a) Law and Order - Crowd control

b) VIP Security/evacuation - Security arrangements;

c) Traffic /explosion incident - Record of scene of crime/incident.

d) Police Sports/Games - Recording events

A maximum of 5 broad questions with a few subdivisions in each, if necessary, will be set. Each main question will cover the investigation of one type of crime. Police officer sitting for this test will not be expected to give details of each technique employed. The object will be to elicit from the competitors to the extent of their appreciation of the application of forensic science in investigation of each type of case viz.,

i) Burglaries involving breaking open padlocks, body locks, safes, windows, doors etc. All these come under examination of tool marks.

ii) Suspected cases of poisoning.

iii) Investigation of homicide and suicide.

iv) Offences using fire arms.

v) Arson

vi) Application of different photographic techniques in the investigation of questioned documents including erasures, overwriting, invisible writings, etc.

vii) Hit-and-run automobile accidents.

The problems regarding questioned documents will be included in the papers on Forensic Science and the oral test thereof.

8. As Investigating Officers very frequently come across blood, semen and other biological stains, hair, glass, soils, wood fragments, fibres, paper, textiles and other miscellaneous traces such as dust, ash, etc., one or two questions may be set on the significance of such evidence. These questions will be so designed as to elicit broadly from the competitors, the importance of different kinds of examinations to which the above material will be subjected, for ascertaining any information that may lead to a satisfactory solution of the crime.

9. Finger prints and foot-prints are excluded from this test as separate tests on these subjects are conducted.

Medico-Legal Test (Oral)

10. The oral examination will be on Medico-legal and scientific subjects. Before the examination starts, the competitors will be given 30 minutes to study the problem/problems set forth for the competition. They will be allowed to jot down any points that they wish to note, but will not be allowed to make detailed notes. There after, questions will be asked relating to subjects like the examination of dead bodies, examination of injuries, examination of scenes of crime, accidents, collecting exhibits and their dispatch for examination. The framing of questions will be left at the discretion of the judges. The time allotted for each individual for oral examination will be about 15 minutes.

11 (a) The practical examination will comprise six sub-sections carrying 50 marks each.

(i) Finger prints;

(ii) Crime Investigation, Criminal Laws, Rules & Procedures and Court Judgments”

 (iii) Police Portraits;

(iv) Observation;

(v) Lifting and Packing of Exhibits;

(vi) Photography; and

(vii) There will also be an oral examination of the practical test in Finger Prints.

(i) Fingerprints

(b) For item (i), there will be a pre-arranged scene of crime having 2 or 3 objects on which latent finger impressions will be recorded. The nature of the objects will be such as to necessitate the use of 2 or 3 different powders for developing the latent prints, depending upon the nature of surface. Each competitor will be asked to look for and develop these latent prints within the prescribed time not exceeding 20 minutes. The judges will then examine the developed prints, award marks and then set up the scene afresh for the next competitor.

(ii) “Crime Investigation, Criminal Laws, Rules & Procedures and Court Judgements”

(a) Crime investigation include multiple type questions comprising of topics like:-

(i) Crime investigations

(ii) Law and procedures/rules

(iii) Judgements etc.

 (b) The test contains 50 questions carrying one mark each, totaling 50 marks. The areas from which questions will be asked is as follows:-

(i) Crime investigation 15 marks

(a) Investigations of homicide

(b) Dacoity and Robbery

(c) Rape

(d) Cases of Rioting etc.

(ii) Law 15 marks

(a) All Major & Minor Acts

(iii) Rules & Proceedings 10 marks

(a|) FIR

(b) Inquest

(c) T.I. Parade

(d) Interrogation

(e) Search & Seizure etc.

(iv) Court Judgements 10 marks

(a) Chiefly the Judgments & Rules of Supreme Court & High Courts

(iii) Police Portraits

(d) For item (iii), the competitors will be shown photographs of persons for a limited period of time to be fixed before hand and intimated to them by the Judges. These photographs would then be mixed with other and the competitors will have to pick them out within a short period of time, to be fixed by judges. The competitors may be shown persons for a short while and then be asked to describe them, either in English or in their own language. They may also be given the portrait of an individual, and be asked to locate him from amongst a group within a fixed period of time. The tests based on any photograph or person shown to the candidates will be held after a certain lapse of time, the exact duration of which would be left to the discretion of the judges.

iv) Observation

(e) For item (iv), the competitors will be shown photograph of Scene of crime for a limited period of time and will then be asked questions on them, either immediately or after some lapse of time. They will be given a report to read for a limited period of time, and will then be asked either immediately or after some lapse of time to write its gist. The competitors may also be taken to specially prepared rooms etc., for a specified time, and after an interval to be fixed by the judges, be asked to write out what they have observed.

(v) Lifting and Packing of Exhibits

(f) The test under item (v) will comprise lifting, packing, sealing and forwarding of exhibits for examination, along with a report for the experts.

(vi) Photography

Only the following cameras will be used:

Crime scene photography under Scientific Aids to Investigation.

(i) Camera – Digital Cyber Shot Camera (Compact camera with non-detachable lens) with memory chip/CF card with 4x optical zoom (max).

(ii) Procedure - Six (6) continues shots will be taken, 6th shot will be of only the chest no. of the competitor. Memory chip/CF card will be taken out by the competitor and will be handed over to the Judges present for printing through PC. Five minutes will be given to each competitor for studying the scene of crime and 10 minutes for taking 6 photographs of the scene of crime.

14. Equipment

Each competitor should come fully equipped with his own investigation officer's Kit and any other equipment that might be required in connection with the competition.


Faculty: expert each in each field: who will cost Rs.2 lakh for entire course period

3x2=6 lakh per month.

Consumable Materials for practicals: Rs. 2 lakh per each activity.

2x10= 20 lakh per course period.

Equipment: per list and cost: as required . max 30 lakh.

Total commitment = 30+20+20 = 70 lakh rounded off to 1 crore including misc.

Batch of 20 students would be optimal.

Admission on first come first serve basis.