Wednesday, January 24, 2007


1. This competition is open to all Police Officers including
Police Photographers who may use official cameras issued to them by their departments.
2 Each State/Unit may send not more than two representatives
to take part in this competition. A competitor taking part in this competition will not be allowed to participate in it for three occasions on which subsequent meets are held. The Inspector-General of Police of the respective participating state will have to certify in writing that these conditions of eligibility have been correctly observed.
3. The subject for the competition in this group would be indoor
or outdoor scenes of crimes. Traffic or other accidents, or objects having evidentiary value in a criminal case. The scene of crime will be changed every year and a small clue included so that the competitors could show their skill in taking close-ups photography in U.V. or Infrared light would be permitted where specified by the judges. .
4. Only four photographs of the subject from any four angles
will be allowed.

photographing indoor scenes,

the use of exposure Meter in outdoor scenes and the use of tripods and 11 filters will be allowed. No SU element Floor lighting will be permitted. There will not be more than four exposures.
5. Details regarding the subject for the competition would be
indicated by the judges to the competitors before the commencement of the competition.
6. To avoid any doubt as to the authorship of the photograph,
each competitor will be given an identification number card which must be photographed in each exposure.
7. Prints shall be in black and white.
8. Only four photographs of size 6 Y2" x 4 W approximately and
each taken from a different angle can be submitted by a competitor prints may be either mounted or un-mounted.
9. The competitor will be requested to process his own film and
mark enlarged prints. Dark room facilities would be provided by the host State. The competitor would bring his-own films papers and processing
~ The judges may, however, make their own arrangements to
get the films processed and printed if they consider it necessary.

10. The prints must be accompanied by a form mentioning the
following particulars:
Make of Camera and where made
Exposure: Lens stop... ... ...
.Shutter Speed
11. A viva - voce test in general photography will be held with ---
marks allotted to it. The competitors must know not only the practical but also the important theoretical aspects of photography. For example, they must know, how to determine the exposure with the change of film speed, shutter speed and lighting conditions. Similarly, they must have adequate knowledge about the type of material and equipment to be used for different types of photography in the field covered by Police photography. Close-up photography is absolutely essential in forensic work.
12. Rolling trophies will be awarded to the individuals securing
the first & second places. Medals will be given to the competitors placed first, second and third.
13. The contest will be judged by a Board of Judges whose decision in all matters affecting the contest will be final.


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