questions 100 set 2sarada avadhanamQuestion Bank for All India Duty Meet 17 Nov 2005
1.Many biochemical disorders and most chromosomal abnormalities can be detected at pre natal stage by
Oo centesis
Zygo centesis
Andro centesis
Amnio centesis [d]
2.Leio trichous hair is the characteristic feature of
Mongoloid race [d]
3.Epicanthus is a characteristic of mongoloid / non mongoloid trait [mongoloid]
4.Type of immunological reaction observed in blood grouping
Neutralization [b]
5.The symbol Rh in blood grouping is derived from
None of the above [b]
6.Embryonic haemoglobin disappears in the full term foetus T/F[F]
[It disappears by the third month of embryonic life]
7.Foetal haemoglobin predominates and no adult haemoglobin is present during intra uterine period T/F[F][ more than half of total Hb in the new born]
8.Tri chloro ethylene is often used as sniffing agent T/F[T]
9.The technology to encrypt the credit card information that is sent over the internet
LSS [c]
10.B2c in e commerce means_____________ [ business to customer]
11.ABO blood grouping system inheritance pattern
Multiple alleles
Double allele
Single allele
Linked allele [a]
12.Incoagulability of blood is an indication that the blood is
Menstrual [d]
13.The presence of HCG in urine sample of woman indicates
High cholesterol level
High glucose level
High growth hormone
Suggests that the woman is pregnant [d]
14.Blood stains showing positive for α-foeto protein indicates the foetal origin of blood T/.F[T]
15.Gastric source of blood is characterized by
Urotemesis [b] [ chocolate colour due to gastric secretions]
16.Parturition and abortion stains are associated with stains due to
Liquor amnii
Liquor chorinii
Liquor placentae
Liquor foetale [a]
17.Barboid test is conducted for
Synovial fluid [b]
18.Colostrum does not contain trypsin inhibitor T/F [F]
19.FLASH holes in ballistics mean
Holes on the skin of deceased
Holes due to misfire on shooter
Holes on the garment of the deceased
Apertures at the cartridge base [d] [ through which the primer flames pass to ignite the propellant charge]
20.Even before birth a person’s fingerprint patterns are formed for the rest of his life T/F[T]
21.Fingerprints are not individualistic to conclusively establish the identity of a suspect’s prints with those found at the scene of crime T/F[F]
22.In developing chance fingerprints by powder method the fingerprint brush is moved along the direction of flow of ridges T/F[T]
23.The camera used for recording crime scene finger prints is fitted with a fixed focus camera T/F[T]
24.An aged fingerprint on a forged document is developed using iodine fuming method T/F[F]
25.In classification of fingerprints it is first necessary to determine the ridge count T/F[F]
26.Latent fingerprints on multi coloured flower vase are best developed by using fluorescent powder T/F[T]
27.For personal identification, palm prints and sole prints are as reliable as fingerprints T/F[T]
28.The basis of identity of two fingerprints is the similarity in the pattern and ridge characteristics T/F[T]
29.Which poisons are mostly administered in homicidal cases [arsenic lead]
30.The death occurs in case of organo phosphate poisoning by cardio respiratory failure T/F [T]
31.The form of poison which quickly enters into the human body are
Colloids [b]
32.Which poison is considered as highly toxic
P [b]
33.characteristics of a ideal homicidal poison is that it should be cheap easily available T/F [T]
34.Kidneys act as filters for any poison entering into the body T/F[F]
35.Dr Alexander Mearns of Institute Of Hygiene at University Of Glasgow did the pioneering work in
Toxicology estimation
That presence of diatoms if pathagnomic of drowning
Used the lifer cycle of maggots to estimate the time of death
New ways of detecting claymore mines [c]
36. In early May of 2000, millions of computer users found a Email headed I Love You
It is a virus
Its is a logic bomb
It is a time bomb
Encrypted code [a]
37.In 1994 case of Citibank USA
Modus operandi is by hacking by using a modem
Modus is by introducing a virus
Modus is by modifying data
Modus is by deleting data.
38.sample of restaurant whale meat confirmed that the Japanese diners were eating protected whale meat by
serological tests
skin examination
DNA matching
None [c]
39.Incomplete or decayed specimen in criminal cases may limit the identification to the family or genus level T/F [T]
40. In a land mark case in Hong Kong authorities Bharati Assomull was fined USD 40000 for
Flesh trade
Women trafficking
Shahtoosh trade
Bonded labor trade [c][ shahtoosh = from nature and fit for a king]
41.The author of I Love You was
Fischerman [a] [Orel De Guzman]
42.Diaries purported to be written by Hitler were proved forged on account of
Paper containing fluorescent brightener blankophor introduced in 1954
Bindings contained threads of polyester which was not manufactured until 1953
Both a and b
None [c]
43.The presence of pigment titanium dioxide in QD purported to have belonged to 18th century
Supports the version of the claimant
Does not support the version of the claimant
Cannot be predicted wit certainty
None [b] [ not used in paper until the 20th century]
44.The technique used to determine or detect the sex of the foetus in the womb
Neonatal diagnostic test
Post natal diagnostic test
Prenatal diagnostic test
Para natal diagnostic test [c]
45.In vitro fiertilization followed by genetic testing of embryo to determine the sex
Pre implantation genetic diagnosis
Implantation genetic diagnosis
Post implantation genetic diagnosis
Ortho implantation genetic diagnosis [a]
46.Sorting male sex bearing chromosomes from sperm is
Male sorting
Andro sorting
Tom sorting
Sperm sorting [d]
47.PCPNDT act
Prevent knowing sex of the foetus
Prevents the misuse of prenatal tests for female foeticide
Prevents female foeticide inspite of congenital deformities
Prevents consanguineous marriages [b]
48.The following is not an unnatural sexual offence
Buccal coitus
Adultery [d]
49.It is not a rape if
Inability to sustain erection
Inability to achieve erection
Absence of uniform layer of smegma
None of the above [d]
50.The explosive used in coal mines________________ [energel]
51.The higher powered aluminium gelled slurry
Super gel
Qodyne [c]
52.Phosgene and diphosgene are known as
Red cross
Blue cross
Green cross
White cross [c]
53.Mustard gas is known as
Red cross
Yellow cross
Green cross
Blue cross [b]
54.Nasal irritants are also known as
Paralysants [b]
55.Nerve gas poisoning causes similar effects as that of
Organo phosphates
Heavy metal poisoning [c]
56.Pentadyne is this type of explosive
None of the above [b]
57.Dendro chronology is______________ [ age rings around teeth and bones]
58.A sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object
Pedo phobia
Pseudo phobia [a] [ also chicken hawk]
59.n obsessional impulse to set fire or a preference for arson as an instrument of damage
Pyro lunatic
Pyro phobic
Pyro mania
Arsono mania [c]
60.A price money or other consideration paid or demanded for release of the victim
61.Ciphers and codes used to protect the security of the underworld communications decoding
Callo graphy
Crypto graphy
Cipho graphy
Cybero graphy [b]
62.The term brachy dactyly refers to
Fingers that are abnormally long
Fingers that are abnormally short
Fingers that are less than normal
Fingers on both hands are of different shapes [b]
63.Condition where one or more digits have been absent from birth
Endo dactyly
Ecto dactyly
Ectro dactyly
Peri dactyly [c]
64.Application of principles of earth science to the law
Forensic paleontology
Forensic terra firma
Forensic geology
Forensic geo geography [c]
65.Tagants in explosives help in
Enhancing their power
Reducing hazard due to explosion
As a marker in detection and identification
A new technique of defusing bombs [c]
66.Neutron tag incorporates the following during its manufacture
Cobalt 60
Lead 35
Ra 20
Ni 50 [a]
67.Olfactory capabilities of dog are
50 times better than human
10 times better than human
40 times better than human
20 times better than human [c]
68.Pyrotechnique composition giving silver colour
As [c]
69.Sidewalls collapsing in different directions such as collapsing of sealed metal cans equally on all sides does not indicated the presence of gas vapour T/F [F]
70.Even if explosion takes place in midair there will be a crater with high velocity explosion T/F [F]
71.Gc is unfit for thermally labile compounds T/F [T]
72.For post explosive debris and hand swab identification of explosives the best suited technique is
Reverse HPLC
73.Improvised explosive compounds like chlorates are best detected by
GC [B] [ ion chromatography]
74.Bullet shaped head of spermatozoa is indicative of
Goat [a]
75.Explosives like RDX, PETN have very limited vapour pressure hence they cannot be easily detected by EVD s T/F [T]
76.Dogs process and confirm the presence of explosives at a lesser rate than any equipment T/F [F]
77.Search behaviour of dog is unlimited irrespective of the factors like heavy meal , heavy snow or rain T/F [F]
78.Presence of noise, large crowd, stray dogs do not have any influence on the performance of the dogs. T/F [F]
79.There is 25%chance of eardrum perforation when
Qty of explosive 4 kg,distance5 mts, pressure 11 psi
Qty of explosive 3kg, distance 2mts, pressure 10 psi
Qty of explosive 500gms, distance 2 mts, pressure 10 psi
Qty of explosive 2 kg, distance5mts, pressure 10 psi [a]
80.From the size of crater a fair assessment of the qty of explosive can be made T/F [T]
81.An explosive after blast giving strong sweet smell for longer time
Military explosive
Slurry explosive
Gel explosive [a]
82.Dogs can hear notes up to
1000 KHZ
100 KHZ
10 KHZ
10,000 KHZ [b]
83.The olfactory epithelium of dog is
Straight, with large number of receptors and with number of cilia
Convoluted, with less number of receptors and with one or two cilia
Convoluted with more number of receptors with more cilia
Straight with few receptors but number of cilia [c]
84.Electronic detectors are inferior to Sniffer dogs in that
They sniff limited types of explosives
They are less reliable
They are non-specific
Offer less safety [a]
85.Transforming the original data into scrambled one which does ont make any sense to the viewer
Crypto ciphery
Endo cryption [c]
86.A fake server to trap an unwitting intruder
Hot pots
Sweat pots
Milli pots
Honey pots [d]
87.A plot hatcher using internet can be traced using
Alladin’s lantern
Magic lantern
Magic wand
Midas lantern [b]
88.Breaking and cracking encryption
Cipher analysis
Crypto analysis
Cyber analysis
Crypto graphy [a]
89.Cyber defamation is punishable under IT Act 2000 T/F [F]
90.ON NET information about new products, services and investment opportunities to the users is provided through
News boards
Electronic boards
Bulletin boards
EBB [d] [ electronic bulletin boards]
91.Chain letters with the promise of quick profits using home Computer, the scheme is
Pilot [b]
92.Mechanism used to protect network from unauthorized access while allowing users within to access the public internet
Fire ways
Gate walls
Fire walls
Gate ways [c]
93.A program protecting automatic protection to internet privacy and security
Watch dog
Guard dog
Vigilant dog
Sniffer dog [b]
94.Spying on the sensitive information of an adversary network from home computer
Data espionage
Data diddling
Data spying
Data ciphering [c]
95.Viruses that change their form to look different
Deceptive virus
Cloned virus
Polymer virus
Polymorphic virus [d]
96.Siphoning of a fraction of amount processed by the processing program
Salam logic
Grand salam logic
Salami logic
Salmi logic [c]
97.A hacker is one who takes advantage and exploits computer systems for malicious intent or profit T/F [F] [ cracker]
98.Online harassment is called
Cyber stalking
Computer talking
Cyber squatting [a]
99.Electronically disguising one computer as another for gaining access to a restricted system is
Sfooling [c]
100.Anonymously airing his / her grouses in the cyber space
Cyber sub venting
Cyber inter venting
Cyber venting
Cyber super venting [c]
Labels: questions 100 set 2